Research and Evaluation Coordinator| La Paz, Bolivia |UTC-4h | Full time

Natalia collaborates with the Evaluation Director to lead and manage the monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning processes. She supports the revision of M&E functions, documents evidence of the Global Alliance’s work, and facilitates collective learning and reflection processes. The aspect she enjoys most about her work is coordinating and integrating MEL approaches into various initiatives, and maintaining strong connections within the secretariat team.

Currently, Natalia also manages and coordinates the Frontline Leaders Cohort, a group of diverse spokespeople from underrepresented and historically marginalized communities. These leaders, supported by the Global Alliance, participate in relevant global fora to advocate for food systems transformation and their own local agendas.

Natalia is a Political Scientist with extensive experience in development projects focused on food and water security; and water governance and gender in rural development. She has worked with GIZ (Bolivia), FEI (Argentina), UNESCO (Uruguay), FAO (Italy and Mozambique). For +10 years, she has been involved in teaching and research activities at IHE Delft (Netherlands), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), Universidad Católica San Pablo (Bolivia), University of Freiburg (Germany), and Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina).

A feminist and urban farming enthusiast, Natalia is always happy to debate ways to save the world.

Email: natalia[at]