Ahead of G7, World Leaders Urged to Focus On Food Systems
“To Make Progress on Climate, COVID, Health, Poverty, and Pandemics
… Food Systems Are What Connect these Challenges”
June 10: As world leaders gather this weekend in Cornwall, UK, for the G7 they have a packed agenda: COVID-19 recovery, economic security, migration, and health. Organizers have also promised meaningful action on climate as leaders lay the groundwork for COP 26 in November.
“If you want to make progress on climate, pandemic recovery, health, poverty, and importantly, fighting the risk of future pandemics, food systems are what connect all of these challenges,” said Ruth Richardson, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food. “Global solutions all start with food systems transformation.”
The G7 convenes just months before the first ever United Nations Food Systems Summit, which sets the stage for the decade of action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Summit will debate and launch actions to deliver progress on the SDGs, each of which relies on healthier, more sustainable food systems. The UNFSS will be followed shortly after by COP 26.
“This weekend’s summit is an opportunity to see the world’s challenges holistically, and begin to take systemic action,” said Richardson. “In this moment of global recovery, the time has passed for issue silos. A systems approach from the G7 supported by holistic tools like “True Cost Accounting” can begin to deliver on the promise of global food systems that deliver sustainability, equity, and health for all.”
More information is available at www.futureoffood.org. Ruth Richardson is available for interviews. For additional comment or an interview, contact Kasia Murphy, Communications Director: kasia@futureoffood.org / +34 676 607 605.