Opinion: In the year of climate finance, we need to see billions flow towards transforming our food systems

Climate finance is top of the agenda at this year’s UN climate conference. Governments are expected to agree on a new long-term climate finance package to deal with worsening biodiversity collapse and the climate crisis. Phasing out fossil fuels also requires funding the transition away from industrial, fossil-fuel based food systems to agroecology and regenerative … Continued

Nature Food article: Knowledge democratization approaches for food systems transformation

Existing narrow views of what constitutes ‘evidence’ exclude critical ways of producing and facilitating knowledge exchange from diverse actors including Indigenous Peoples and food producers. We underscore the importance of a diversity of knowledge and knowledge-sharing approaches to deepen research, build evidence, and ensure more holistic outcomes in a comment piece in the Nature Food … Continued


In May 2015 the Global Alliance for the Future of Food hosted its first International Dialogue, bringing together over 150 key stakeholders from across sectors to discuss and identify pathways towards a more sustainable, secure and equitable future of food. We invited esteemed author and activist Raj Patel to distill the conversation and respond to … Continued