Events, Agriculture

Resilient Seed Systems: Strategic Convening

Oaxaca Mexico | 22-26 October 2018

Agricultural biodiversity and resilient seed systems are essential for accelerating the transition to agroecological systems as a core solution to the future of food. In the current context of climate change and global food insecurity, there is an urgent need for seed systems that protect seed diversity and enhance nutrition and food security.

At this participatory convening we aimed to:

  1. Build trust and dialogue among key seed systems stakeholders;
  2. Articulate principles for resilient seed systems and for working together;
  3. Create a common narrative about the strategic importance of resilient seed systems;
  4. Collaborate on the development of a Shared Action Framework for global, coordinated action to support and enhance seed systems resilience; and
  5. Identify steps required to refine the Shared Action Framework, engage additional stakeholders, and develop an implementation strategy.

Building upon the Global Alliance’s The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience, A Compendium of Perspectives on Agricultural Biodiversity from Around the World, we are brought together diverse actors at a strategic convening in order to draft a Shared Action Framework for resilient seed systems. The Shared Action Framework identifies principles, a common narrative, needs and opportunities for supporting resilient seed systems, areas of convergence and divergence, potential scale(s) for impact, relevant intervention points, strategies for driving change, and roles for different actors and sectors.